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Quest Blood Work/ Labs
In office or your home

Science Lab

Phlebotomy Options to Obtain Bloodwork.

Quest is our primary lab

You have 2 options to obtain labs for your medical visit:

1. Go into one of the many Quest labs locations, make an appoint or walk in, $0 cost to you. 

2. Hire Kelsey, a phlebotomist for a fee.

-Pay first then appointment is made.

  • $30 in office - or -

  • $55 in your home (nearby)

**Lab orders/ analysis will go through insurance with co-pay or wholesale via bill the office**

-Outside Link provided for your convenience in making an "other" appointment for labs.

-Quest is the place for bloodwork, Quest is not part of Digital Clinic.

-All Orders are in your Portal under My Health - reminders.

**I HIGHLY suggest you look at the order sent if you get a Bill, as Quest likely wrote the WRONG Diagnosis code. Every lab code requires a diagnosis code- look at your order. (ex. Drug screen diagnosis code is always F11.20).

**Labs ordered should be covered by your insurance. If you have a large bill 2 steps: 1. Get an itemized bill from quest with the diagnosis code and test code used. 2. Call your insurance and get information about A. if they are/ are not covering because incorrect dx code or B. you have high deductible or co-pay. 3. Let Barb know and if it is B you may decide to choose wholesale self pay option next time labs are ordered.

Blood Test

Self Pay Labs
NO Insurance

You pay the office. Quest bills the office.

    *LABS ORDERED to Quest*

CBC -$13- Complete Blood Count

CMP -$10-  Complete Metabolic Panel

         - incl electrolytes, kidney and liver

Lipid Panel -$24-  Total chol, LDL, HDL, Trig

TSH -$16-  Thyroid Stimulating Hormone

T4 -$13-  Active Thyroid in your blood

A1C -$16- Diabetic specific screen

OH25 -$47- Vit D3 specific Screen

B12 -$15- Vit B12 specific Screen

FE -$15- Iron specific screen

TOTAL: $160

OTHER Specific Tests for Add-On

Testosterone $33

PSA $67- Prostate specific antigen- cancer screen

Urine Drug $200** Quest


Urine Drug $40 Cash/CC only - collected in office only- sent to NAVIS not Quest.

FYI- Without enough vitamin D in the blood, the body will pull calcium from the bones. Left untreated, a vitamin D deficiency can lead to osteoporosis. This is a medically relevant test.

Blood Test


Call or Text: (541) 262 - 6470

*Secure Voicemails/ Texts 

*Phone is rarely answered.

**GET ON THE SCHEDULE & FILL OUT A CHECK IN FORM if you Need Medical Advice, Need to talk with Barb, or Need a Medication Refill**

OFFICE FAX: (833) 970 - 0970


Monday 12p-5p

Tuesday  9a-12p

Wednesday Office by appt

Thursday:  9a-12p

*Expedited/ After hour visits should not be needed, but are available for a $40 fee.

*DO NOT come to the office if you are sick*

**Digital Clinic is not a substitute for the ER or Urgent care.  **If you are having an emergency or developed an infection, go to the Emergency Room or Urgent Care.**


321-B Goodpasture Island Rd

Eugene OR 97401

Near Car Dealerships, next to Urgent Care & across from Ross.

In brick building next upstairs in back. Park in the back for free.

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